
Local git 2019.12.02
Define a repo somewhere in your file system with a bare init mkdir -p /somewhere/repo/test_project cd /somewhere/repo/test_project git init --bare Now create a local folder for your work with init only
To import a local CSV file into MySQL, use the syntax below : LOAD DATA LOW_PRIORITY LOCAL INFILE '/path/tofile.csv' INTO TABLE database.
To export a mysql results in CSV format, use the syntax below : SELECT field1, field2, ... FROM table WHERE condition INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/toto.
Just in case you absolutely have to insert a date in MySQL that does’nt exist, eg 2014-02-30, you can run MySQL server in a special mode that authorizes such dates :
As of Git v1.7.0, you can delete a remote branch using : git push origin --delete <branchName> And you can do exactly the same with a tag