
I have a keyboard/mouse/screen switch to connect 2 PCs: one running Linux and one running Windows. When I connect all the ports, it works, but every time I switch to the Windows laptop, the screen reconfigures, my windows are moved, and it annoys me.
In my previous post, I used Nebula to setup a secured network between 2 virtual machines. This time, I’ll try to make a MySQL client and server communicate through a Nebula tunnel.
Is it possible to use the public network, namely Internet, to make 2 machines communicate securely ? And if possible something easier to install and configure than OpenVpn ?
Udev Webcam 2022.04.01
You can change the device link so your webcam will be always accessible at the same location /dev/video99. You can also persist some settings via the v4l-ctl command.
This days, with 4K monitors, the linux console is unreadable : the font is too small. So how can we scale the font size in the console after boot ?
If you use a tiled window manager like me, Suckless DWM for example, and have Firefox as your browser, you may be interested by not showing the tabs.
Install LTS Hardware Enablement Stack sudo apt-get install --install-recommends linux-generic-hwe-18.04 xserver-xorg-hwe-18.04 Clean sudo apt purge --autoremove Reboot to load new kernel
How to configure a Debian based Linux distribution to share a folder with anyone on the network, with read and write access ?
As ‘man convert’ states : The convert program is a member of the ImageMagick suite of tools. Use it to convert between image formats as well as resize an image, blur, crop, despeckle, dither, draw on, flip, join, re-sample, and much more.
Get rid of graphic boot on Linux with a few modifications in grub configuration : # edit your grub config sudo vi /etc/default/grub # remove splash, quiet, .
DWM is my tiled window manager. It’s fast, flexible and fun. My linux desktop is up and running after a few seconds… (ok, thanks also to the ssd :-) ).